Free Ebook South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green
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South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green
Free Ebook South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green
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About the Author
Emma J. Green was born in San Francisco, California, USA to loving parents Robert and Barbara Green. Her father worked as a gym coach, her mother was employed as a chef in a small city restaurant. Her older brother, Kirk, is her best friend and greatest supporter. As a child, she was fond of writing stories and literature. When Emma was 15, her parents got divorced. During that time, Emma struggled with depression and anxiety and started eating differently. She gained weight and started having problems with her digestive system. At the age of 20, Emma decided to change her lifestyle habits and start exercising. She tried eating only healthy, whole, unprocessed foods. After making these changes, Emma noticed results in achieving her weight goals and better general health. She decided to share her skills and knowledge with other people and started writing small cookbooks about the most effective diets and recipes. Her husband and her family have been her greatest readers and supporters.
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Product details
Paperback: 72 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 5, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1720764956
ISBN-13: 978-1720764953
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
94 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#9,410 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
So, this book literally changed my life. I feel 100% better after following the general guidelines. There is no way I would want to go back. I know it's not for everyone and not everyone can benefit but I did and will never be the same after the knowledge I've gained about the glycemic index and carbs and the affect on blood sugar. The real change is in eating only whole wheat and brown rice instead of white flour and white rice. After ridding my body of all that sugar I shouldn't crave it anymore. Yay! Read it.
I have found that any diet I follow has to be one I can integrate into my day-to-day lifestyle and meal plans. I cook from this book for my family for dinner so I can have satisfying meals for my own weight loss and cook healthy for the rest of the family. This cookbook allows me to do as much of my own meal prep as I can, and that keeps us away from processed or fast foods. Lots of recipes included. Easy to follow, and it works!
I have noticed that after I started following the south beach diet I have less frequent headaches and my stomach works better.
The book is very short, but does have a minimal overview of the South Beach diet. It is printed in poor quality black and white. It is not worth the money. Spend the extra and get one of the books by Dr. Agatston.
South beach diet is an appropriate and ultimate guide book particularly for beginners. There is a good addition of delicious and healthy recipes, kick start meal plans too. I read this book thoroughly and find it perfect for my family and for me, do recommend to others too.
This book focuses on almost all aspects of this trendy diet, including the recipes. Unlike most other diets that put a lot of restrictions on what you eat, this diet gives you the complete freedom to choose your own carbohydrates and fats.
Based on the bright colorful cover I was super excited to finally have a south beach cookbook withcokir photos. Wrong. Cheap paper, black and white everything inside. And the recipes didn’t seem to stray that far from the original sb cook books, so why did I buy it?
This "book" is someone's home project. Shinny cover and xerox inside. The print inside is blurry and difficult to read. The black and white (huh?) photos are indecipherable.Bad news. Do not buy!I threw mine in the trash.
South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green PDF
South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green EPub
South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green Doc
South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green iBooks
South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green rtf
South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green Mobipocket
South Beach Diet: Ultimate Guide for Beginners with Healthy Recipes and Kick-Start Meal Plans. (South Beach Diet Recipes), by Emma Green Kindle
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