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Professional SharePoint 2013 Administration
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From the Back Cover
Learn to work with the major new features of SharePoint2013Featuring the all-star author team from the previous edition,this essential book offers a complete update on how to make the newfeatures of SharePoint 2013 work. Packed with helpful guidance formaking your SharePoint 2013 planning and installation successful,this new edition provides a clear picture of SharePoint 2013administration, the functionality it provides, and advice on how tomake it work for you.Professional SharePoint 2013 Administration:Compares and contrasts SharePoint 2013 to earlier versions andreviews what's new in the 2013 iterationShares techniques for making SharePoint 2013 installationsmooth and successfulDemonstrates ways to best configure SharePoint 2013 forhigh-availability backupsDetails workflows in SharePoint 2013Provides invaluable troubleshooting adviceExplains how to integrate SharePoint with Word, Excel®,PowerPoint®, Outlook®, InfoPath®, OneNote®, andMicrosoft Visio®wrox.comProgrammer ForumsJoin our Programmer to Programmer forums to ask and answerprogramming questions about this book, join discussions on thehottest topics in the industry, and connect with fellow programmersfrom around the world.Code DownloadsTake advantage of free code samples from this book, as well ascode samples from hundreds of other books, all ready to use.Read MoreFind articles, e-books, sample chapters, and tables of contentsfor hundreds of books, and more reference resources on programmingtopics that matter to you.
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About the Author
Shane Young is a Microsoft SharePoint MVP and one of thebest-known SharePoint administrators. He is a frequent speaker atMicrosoft TechEd and other SharePoint Conferences. He has taughthundreds of students the art of SharePoint Administration throughhis company SharePoint 911, owned by RackSpace, and his SharePointAdmin blog.Steve Caravajal, PhD, is a Director and ProductivityArchitect with the Microsoft Corporation. He has 23+ years'experience in technology and product development, consulting, andtraining. He is an Adjunct Professor who teaches enterprisearchitecture, public and private cloud technology, and softwaredevelopment. He has several patents and published articles, speaksat conferences, and has written several books.Todd Klindt is a Microsoft SharePoint MVP who speaksregularly at Microsoft TechEd and other SharePoint conferencesinternationally. He has written articles for TechNetmagazine, Windows IT Pro magazine, and co-written severalbooks.Wrox Professional guides are written by workingdevelopers to address everyday needs. They provide examples,practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, alldesigned to help programmers do a better job.
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Product details
Paperback: 840 pages
Publisher: Wrox; 1 edition (April 29, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781118495810
ISBN-13: 978-1118495810
ASIN: 1118495810
Product Dimensions:
7.3 x 1.5 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
50 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#571,412 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
As a relative Sharepoint newbie who was given the task of setting up and deploying a sharepoint for our development group, I found this book to be a wonderful resource. I had already installed and deployed using the native wizards from Microsoft, but once I had time to read this book I realized that lathered were many things that MS glosses over in the installation. So much so that I scrapped my initial deployment and did it over 100% so I could utilize the processes presented in this book.One area that excelled is the section on setting up the search services. This is a critical and very powerful part of SharePoint 2013, and one that the native "wizard" does poorly, in my opinion. After going through the chapter on configuring the search services, I have a very well configured and stable foundation for this important service.Even though this book is directed more towards the Enterprise version (my organization uses the Standard version) it was still well worth the cost for the information provided.I would agree that some of the scripts would be far easier to use if they were available online, but this is a minor issue.
First and foremost, this was one of the first books out on SharePoint 2013. It straight forward, is easy to follow, well organized and is not padded with useless fluff. There are several nuggets that are helpful that I did not find anywhere else. It is great to have as a reference while building out your SharePoint farm.The only negative is there is a lot of powershell scripts which is great. It would have been great if they could have been downloaded. There is one chapter of code that can be downloaded. If they added the scripts from the other chapters, it would be very helpful.
Just start with the readability of the print as compared to "Pro SharePoint 2013 Administration" by Apress. Wrox knows how to make a book even us seniors will enjoy.I'f I'm supposed to have read the whole book to review--I'm not that advanced--massive sections go beyond what a developer trying to install his simple SharePoint 2013 system at home can fathom.What I did like,again using the other book I mentioned as a reference, the step by step treatment of bypassing the "Gray" and "White" Wizards.Even a lowly developer knows that if you just take the easy way through the wizards--nothing ends up being configured right.Also a really good PowerShell chapter with good examples. In fact there is more explanation in that one chapter than the book I bought "PowerShell for SharePoint 2013" by Sams.A really good chapter on "Configuring SharePoint for Business Intelligence". An a good overview of "Service Application Administration".I think I liked the book!!
I am a long time SharePoint admin and developer. What I liked most about this book was the step by step guide to installing SharePoint the RIGHT way. The product has gotten so big over the years that just to get the install right is a chore. This book will help you immensely! Follow the steps in this book and you will have all the features and components you need installed with clean database names, and most importantly, everything will be working the way it should. I've done many installs now using it and this is the book I grab whenever I am creating a new farm. In addition to the install information, there is a lot of other great information and a nice sample workflow. Overall a required book for the SharePoint professional.
Built a 2013 farm last week. Aside from a few areas lacking a few extra sentences [depth] explaining some service provisioning, I really like the way this book - especially the "Creating the Farm" Chapter 3 - is put together. We had TechNet/Google running side by side and more often referenced the book, except for a few "MS enhancements" [glitches] that you need some Googlin' to get through, just like 2010. I have not got too deep into the "BI" chapters yet, but thus far the book has paid for itself in pre-planning and being a well organized 'in the hand' tool for building a SharePoint 2013 Farm.
This books has good coverage of the fundaments of SharePoint administration. Shane and Todd are excellent resources. You can pick a lot up by referring to their blogs. Todd's net cast is an excellent way to stay up to speed on current issues. Todd has a great sense of humor and the chat room during the show can be a lot of fun.My only critique of this book is that is doesn't go into more advanced and complex configuration issues like using the Access Control Services for authentication. Perhaps, that's content best suited for an Advanced SharePoint 2013 Administration book.
Throughout my IT career, I've purchased many technical books for my professional library. This is one of a select few I've read cover-to-cover (Another one being the Professional SharePoint 2010 Administration book by the same authors). It's a pragmatic approach to SharePoint 2013 Administration written by authors who clearly have gained their experience and knowledge from working hands-on with the product.This book covers a lot of ground. Highlights for me: Important concepts any good SharePoint Administrator needs to understand, Upgrade to SharePoint 2013, PowerShell, Backup/Recovery, Troubleshooting and of course the new features introduced in SharePoint 2013 and what this means to me as a SharePoint Administrator. One of my favorite things is the tips and tricks disbursed throughout that really add to the overall learning experience of the book as well as lots of step-by-steps.This is sure to be my go-to book for SharePoint 2013 Administration.Kudos to the authors - job well done guys.
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