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, by Daniel S. Christensen
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Product details
File Size: 371 KB
Print Length: 144 pages
Publisher: Studio Remarkable Books; 2 edition (January 4, 2013)
Publication Date: January 4, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,160,712 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
If you read the series just re-read it to get better insight. This doesn't tall me much I didn't already know.
To be touted under the moniker of "The Remarkable Comics Commentary," this e-book is hardly remarkable. What the publication stacks up to be is a collection of reviews--one for every issue of Johnathan Hickman's stellar run on Fantastic Four and FF. Each review is is largely summary and the "commentary" is rather lacking. I found most of the reviews to be very similar to other reviews I have read on Comic Book Resources' Web site.It would appear that the book was hastily compiled with many typos and grammatical errors and little critical attention paid to the actual subject matter other than summaries of it. A run of Hickman's caliber is deserving of a great deal more critical attention, and, to put it quite plainly, a critic with more knowledge about studying and analyzing the comic book medium. I would most definitely not recommend this book.
Great review!
While it doesn't provide a scholarly analysis, it is a very complete description of Jonathan Hickman's work on the Fantastic Four, especially the links between his own issues as well as the links with issues outside his run. As Hickman stands on the shoulders of many predecessors this book is very helpful in providing background for the run since not everyone may be familiar with the 50 year history of the title.
Not bad, but not really breaking any new ground. Just a retelling of Hickman's run. A c plus or b minus grade.
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